Reduce bias in your hiring process

We provide an interview platform to assess tech candidates' soft-skills and cultural fit.

A woman and a robot are interviewing a man

Hire top talent with our tech candidate interview platform. We assist in evaluating candidates' soft skills and cultural fit by offering customisable templates, streamlining the interview process, and automatically scoring candidate performance. You can then compare these scores to select your strongest future employee in an unbiased way, which promotes diversity and inclusion.

Hire Top Talent

Hiring the best people drives higher business results, whereas mishires are costly and consume a lot of leadership time. Accelerate your business through smart hiring.

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Platform that helps you hire best people


select important skills

Pick a set of skills from our list that your ideal candidate should have, customise it with your own, and generate a template for the upcoming interviews.


Conduct the interview

Interview the candidate while our platform is helping you to cover all the topics in time.


Score the candidate

Automatically score candidates' performance using AI across various axes, eliminating bias.


Compare the candidates

Select the best people to hire by comparing the scores of the interviewees. Ensure a fair and inclusive hiring process.

Join Waitlist